Saturday, August 4, 2012

Toilet Paper Times: Loch Ness Monster, Myth or Marvel?

The great legend of the loch ness monster has been proven and disproven, created and destroyed; but will the most recent sighting by George Edwards, a Scottish Loch Ness Monster hunter, prove that Nessie is really swimming in the great lake?  Edwards said as he saw it that the great beast was "slowly moving up the loch to Urquhart castle" and was "dark grey in color". 
This new sighting recieved from www.tywikiwdbi.blogspot (above) gives hope to Nessie faithfuls everywhere!
Columnist, Benjamin Radford, LiveScience Bad Science. "New Nessie Photo: 'Convincing' Proof of Loch Ness Monster?" Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 17 Jan. 0000. Web. 04 Aug. 2012.

"TYWKIWDBI ("Tai-Wiki-Widbee")." : A Recent Sighting of "Nessie" N.p., 3 Aug. 2012. Web. 04 Aug. 2012.

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