Wednesday, August 8, 2012

From the thrown: August 9, 2012

The other day I was at the grocery store. It seemed like a normal summer day, seeing all of the signs advertising fresh produce, hamburgers, hot dogs, and lemonade, all of the summer classics. Then I saw a display. I thought it was a disgraceful display because it is so early. It was a Halloween display. It is August 9th. Halloween is October 31. Its 83 days away! I don't want the summer to end, I love sitting out in the warm weather poolside, all the cookouts and going to the beach. This display just made me sad because it made me have a reality check; all summer long I haven't had the thought of all of these summer activities going away. Till now. I never want to see that display or any display for Halloween till September it's the beginning of August. Earlier in June I was at a large retail chain's store and school supplies were on sale, kids weren't even out of school (I think.) Stores now put out displays earlier and earlier. Does it really help sales? I think it draws customers away, personally it drives me away. Does it drive you away? Vote now in the poll located on the homepage. Please leave a comment here or on Facebook or Twitter.

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