Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Right Now: Ernesto Establishes Emergency in Eastern Mexico

Here is the satelitte picture of Ernesto; a massive storm
(Source: Google Earth)

 Right Now: Ernesto batters Central America.

System Weakens as it heads over land.

Right Now, the brunt of Ernesto's fury is hitting Mexico. Massive amounts of rain are drenching dozens of cities and towns. People can expect 4 to 8 inches of rain.Tropical Storm winds are currently in the Yucatan Peninsula, maximum winds are steady at 50 mph. Storm Surge of 2 to 4 feet above normal levels, and large waves may batter the coast.  Ernesto continues to weaken as it comes over land.  Later tonight it is expected to reach water again, at the southern point of the Bay of Campeche. Once there the storm is expected to again batter Mexico. This time, the gulf coast of Mexico is preparing to get Ernesto's effects.

Stay with the Toilet Paper Times, as we will keep you updated on Ernesto's effects.

En la madrugada, 'Ernesto' golpeó con vientos de 112 kilómetros por hora en las costas de Majahual, Quintana Roo, ubicadas en el centro de la riviera maya
Here is the storm blowing strong winds in Riveria Maya.
(Source: CNN Mexico)

NOAA. "Public Advisory #29." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 08 Aug. 2012. Web. 8 Aug. 2012.
"'Ernesto' Pierde Fuerza Después De Llegar a La Península De Yucatán - Nacional - CNNMé" 'Ernesto' Pierde Fuerza Después De Llegar a La Península De Yucatán. CNN, 08 Aug. 2012. Web. 08 Aug. 2012.
Google Earth: Copyright: google

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