Friday, August 3, 2012

Roller Coaster Ride: Bird Bonks Boy in Face

When riding a roller coaster, for some people is scary. Your left wondering, "Will my harness support me?" "Will a the coaster go off the track?" and now, there is a new fear to add to that list... "Will a bird strike me in the face?"

A 12 year-old boy was riding Kinda Ka, a roller coaster at Six Flags in New Jersey. Shane Matus, 12 was in the front car with his friend when, the very unexpected happened... A bird hit the Matus in the face. The ride was almost over, and the coaster was returning to the station... A car alarm went off in the parking lot, Matus looked towards the car, then BAM! a bird Matus right in the face. People around him were covered in feathers and Blood, from the bird. The ride was soon shut down and the boy was rushed to the hospital... The boy only has bumps and bruises and scratches. The ride soon opened 30 minutes later. Kinda Ka reaches a peak speed of 128 mph.

Citation: "'Feathers and Blood': Bird Hits Boy in Face on High-speed Rollercoaster." NBC News, 28 July 2012. Web. 03 Aug. 2012. <>.

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