Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Quick Times: USS Porter plunks into Japanese tanker

USS Porter collides with tanker in Strait of Hormuz

US Navy reports no sailors injured

ap mideast US navy accident 2 jt 120812 wblog USS Porter Collides With Oil Tanker in Persian Gulf
The USS Porter,
US Navy, Jonathan Sunderman/ AP Photo
The USS Porter was sailing in the Strait of Hormuz to the Persian Gulf, Sunday. The tanker was sailing through the narrow strait which has narrow "lanes". These lanes are unmarked, but it is a guideline that ships usually fallow. According to ABC News, the lanes in that area is as small as around 2 miles each. Traveling through the area is similar to driving in USA, vessels stay to the right. Significant damage occurred to the US Navy vessel. The good news here, all the damage was above the water line, making so the vessel will not take on water because of this incident. The USS Porter is now headed to a port in the UAE. The incident is now being investigated.


Raddatz, Martha. "USS Porter Collides With Oil Tanker in Persian Gulf." ABC News. ABC News Network, n.d. Web. 12 Aug. 2012.

Sunderman, Johnathan. USS Porter. 2012. Photograph. ABC News. Walt Disney Company. Web. 12 Aug. 2012. <>.

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