Monday, August 6, 2012

From The Thrown: August 6, 2012

From the thrown is a column the our creator writes daily, or whenever he wants, he's the boss! From government to gum flavors, read his creative, crazy column.

Puerile Pentagon People Pursuing Porn.

We all pay taxes. We all pay them and think. "well at least I know I'm not throwing my money away! ...Hmm maybe this will help fill that pot hole on I-95 I always hit?" Well, ladies and gentleman it is not going to fill that pot hole, instead it is going to the employees at the pentagon, to not protect our country, instead to watch porn. In a recent memo released to employees Executive Director John James Jr. said that they have noticed unapproved sites accessed on those computers we, the tax payers all pay for. Let's stop and think for a second:
We pay those people's salary that I'm guessing is in the ten thousands maybe even hundred thousands.
We pay for that computer that cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
Who knows? Are we now paying for porn subscriptions?
I am glad that this was caught and will stop. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. Who knows maybe in that department where there investigating Internet crime… how do we know they aren't "investigating porn" (notice the quotation marks.)
Ridiculous. But we all know in a week or two, I'll be writing about another government employee wasting our money.

We do know there are people working hard to protect the USA, we than them.
Please comment if you would like to weigh in.

Capaccio, Tony. "Missile Defense Staff Warned to Stop Surfing Porn Sites." Bloomberg. Bloomberg News, 02 Aug. 2012. Web. 05 Aug. 2012. <>.

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