Saturday, August 4, 2012

Toilet Paper Times: Jay Leno's Garage rumored to be sold Sold

Jay Leno, Famous American talk show host, and owner of over 80 cars and 80 motorcycles, is reportedly selling his great collection to an Arab Sheikh for $1 Billion.  His collection, kept in Burbank, California, can be seen online at and features cars as old as the 1951 Hudson Hornet to as new as the 700 bhp Lamborgini Aventador, and dozens of antique cars and motorcycles.  The sheikh buying this great collection, wished not to be named.

Jay Leno Reportedly sold his Car Collection to Arab Sheikh for $ 1 Billion
Jay Leno's Car garage.
Image from:

"Jay Leno Reportedly Sold His Car Collection to Arab Sheikh for $ 1 Billion." News Maker Today. N.p., 3 Apr. 2012. Web. 04 Aug. 2012.

"Jay Leno's Garage." - Cars. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Aug. 2012.

Jay Leno's Car Collection. N.d. Photograph. News Maker Today., 03 Apr. 2012. Web. 04 Aug. 2012. <>.

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