Sunday, August 5, 2012

Burn Ban continues as blaze batters state

This is the Image on Oklahoma Forestry Service's website
shows how high the fire danger is today.

The image you see above, still remains on The Oklahoma Forestry Service website today, after 12 different fires burn throughout that state which has been severely affected by the drought and dry conditions, combine that with the extreme heat and it is perfect fire conditions. The fire is spreading fast and it is very dangerous for the firefighters trying to stop the blaze. is now reporting that 5,200 acres have burned in the blaze. Governor May Fallin released a statement Friday on her website saying, "Moving forward we need the public to be vigilant. Lit cigarettes, flat tires, and cars parked on dry grass can quickly become dangerous. Everyone must do their part to help prevent fires and to keep families and businesses safe from harm." On the very small positive side, is also reporting that residents in Sluagterville and Luther could return to their homes and see how this massive blaze has effected them. The Nation Weather Service predicts a high of 95 degrees Fahrenheit today. 

"52,000 Acres Burn in Oklahoma Wildfires." UPI. United Press International, 05 Aug. 2012. Web. 05 Aug. 2012.

Governor Mary Fallin. "Press Release." Governor Mary Fallin. State of Oklahoma, 03 Aug. 2012. Web. 05 Aug. 2012. <>.

Govenor Burn Ban. N.d. Photograph. Oklahoma Forestry Services. Oklahoma Forestry Services, 04 Aug. 2012. Web. 04 Aug. 2012. <>.

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