Friday, August 24, 2012

EXCLUSIVE: Interview with NOAA meteorologist

EXCLUSIVE: NOAA meteorologist

From Tropics to Technology

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is busy as you may expect this time of the year, with Tropical Storm Isaac andTropical Storm Joyce. The Quick Times asked to speak to the NHC, and we got a response. Since the NHC is too busy tracking the tropics, we interviewed Neal Dorst, a meteorologist at a research division of NOAA the "sister organization" of the NHC, he says . He works in a laboratory, where him and his colleagues, collect data from inside the hurricanes. Dorst adds he also “carrys out theoretical and modeling studies, and then write scientific papers to impartwhat we've learned to others." He and colleagues also suggest improvementsto the NHC.

Right Now, Tropical Storm Isaac is in the Atlantic,and it may make landfall multiple places. The NHC releases predictions every six hours, 24 hours a day. We asked Dorst what happens between the release of advisories and forecast cones. He said "The hurricane specialists are watching the satellite loops, reading the incoming aircraft reconnaissance data and consulting various computer models." After that he said that they assess the strength and position of the system. They afterwards meet and discuss each other’s prediction. They do this every six hours all 24 hours a day. Dorst goes on to add, "Don't worry; they work in eight hours shifts so they don't get too tired."

We soon went on to ask what it is like at the NHC, how many people are working there? How many are predicting hurricanes? Dorst told us there are 65 people total. 30 are meteorologist and 12 are hurricane specialist. The rest of the sixty-five are in the Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch or the Technical Service Branch. The Tropical Analysis team predicts high seas forecast for the entire Atlantic Ocean.

We went on to ask Dorst what his divisions doing during Tropical Storm Isaac. Dorst said they launched there P-3aircraft to Barbados. Seven of the scientist flew on commercial flight to Barbados also. Starting at 4 p.m. Wednesday they have been conducting flights into Isaac. Dorst Says the reason they conduct these operations is to "...collect Doppler radar data from the storm's core and transmit that information in real time to various computer modelers who will 'ingest' that data into their fine-scale models to test how well those do in forecasting changes in Isaac's structure and intensity."
The P-3 Research aircraft.
Courtesy: NASA

Earlier this Month, NOAA changed their prediction. We asked Dorst why they did this?,”One of the factors which has a large influence on Atlantic hurricane season activity is whether the Pacific Ocean is in an El NiƱo by the time hurricane season began. An El Nino tends to increase the vertical wind shear over the Atlantic and depress hurricane activity. But the warm pool in the eastern Pacific was slow to develop and it's suppression of hurricane activity won't become dominant until later in the season." With this mild winter for parts of the country, we asked did that factor with the hurricane season. Dorst answered, "Probably not. There doesn't seem to be much of a correlation between multitude spring weather and summer time tropical activity." He was not sure and directed us to another NOAA meteorologist.We contacted him and as soon as we hear back, we will post it right away.

Technology has improved immensely in past years and we wondered how that is making forecasting by  the NHC more accurate. He says that their computers look at past years and tell history of storms. This helps immensely he says. He adds that the computer calculates data from aircraft in past years too. Here's an example he gave us of how technology helps, "Such concepts as eye wall replacement cycles and dry air intrusion came out of decades of research."

Not only did we want to want to learn about the NHC, we wanted to learn about the people there. He says he was interested in clouds and storms and then called himself a "weather weenie". He says he has met people who "stumbled" into this industry. He thinks if you have a large interest in the weather, it would be a very satisfying career.
We would like to thank Neal Dorst for his time.
NOAA. NASA Aircraft Captures Windy Details in Hurricane's Ups and Downs. N.d. Photograph. NOAA. NASA. NASA. Web. <>.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Quick Times: Isaac shows interest in USA

Tropical Storm Isaac is now showing interest in the USA. Forecast models indicate that the system may come toward the south-eastern part of the US later this week. Right Now, the system is about 140 miles east of Guadalupe. Maximum winds are reported at 45 mph. Isaac is moving west at 21 mph. Isaac is expected to make landfall multiple places, later today The Quick Times will updated you on all the places effected.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Daily: August 16, 2012

The Daily:

August 16th, 2012

Celebrity Birthdays:

Steve Carell (49)

·       Famous for: Star of “The Office”

Madonna (53)

·       Famous for: Pop Singer

Kathie Lee Gifford (48)

·       Famous for: Today Show co-host


Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

-Dan Stanford


“Where does the dog go when its tail falls off?”

·         The retail store



1.    Read this blog often, as we will have an exclusive interview with a meteorologist from NOAA.


"August 16 Birthdays." August 16 Birthdays., n.d. Web. 15 Aug. 2012. <>.

"Random Quotations." Random Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Aug. 2012. <>.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Quick Times: Blaze Batters Batches of West

The Taylor Bridge Fire in Washington State.
Courtesy: AP/Daily Record/ Brian Myrick

Fires rip across western United States

Dozens of fires cause evacuations.

Hot temperatures and dry weather are fueling fires in the Western United States... People
were being evacuated out of their homes in Idaho yesterday. This is because of a fire that could engulf their homes. Not only is Idaho effected, but the Boise Interagency Fire Center (BIFC) says that the national preparedness level is a 4, on a scale of 1-5. There are 63 fires currently burning in 13 states. On the small positive side, on August 14, six fires were contained. In California, a fire called the "chips fire" is burning more than 42,000 acres and is only 20% contained. Today, more people are expected to be evacuated as the fires spread.

 "Fire Information." National Interagency Fire Center. N.p., 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 15 Aug. 2012.
BONNER, By JESSIE L. "Crews Battle Dozens of Western Fires." ABC News. ABC News Network, 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 15 Aug. 2012.
"InciWeb - Incident Information System." InciWeb the Incident Information System: Chips. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Aug. 2012.
Myrick, Brian. Flames from the Taylor Bridge Fire Climb the Side of Lookout Mountain East of Cle Elum, Wash.,. 2012. Photograph. Cle Elum, Washington. AP. Associated Press, 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 15 Aug. 2012. <>.

August 16, 2012


Good Morning it's August 16, 2012.

Today's Headlines:

  • Shooting being investigated in Washington D.C. at a Christian organization building
  • Felix Hernandez of the Seattle Mariners pitches perfect game
  • Prince Phillip of Great Britain hospitalized after infection

Today's Weather Headlines:

  • Fires burn in the western part of the USA
  • Tropical Depression Hector in Eastern Pacific
  • Tropical Depression Eight in Atlantic Ocean
Have a great day!

"National Hurricane Center." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 15 Aug. 2012.
ABC News. ABC News Network, 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 15 Aug. 2012. <>.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tropical Storm Hector: August 12, 2012

[Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]Tropical Storm Hector in Eastern Pacific

Not Expected to make landfall in near future

Tropical Storm Hector is now in the eastern Pacific. The National Hurricane Center is reporting the system is around 65 miles south of the Socorro Islands. Maximum winds are at 45 mph. There are no active warnings right now, as it appears that there is no possibility of land fall in the next few days. The National Hurricane Center reports that Hector could strengthen in the next 48 hours. Stay with the quick times, as we will update and give you the very latest.

Citation added:
NOAA. "Tropical Storm Hector Public Advisory." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 12 Aug. 2012. Web. 12 Aug. 2012.
Tropical Storm Hector Cone. N.d. Photograph. National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 12 Aug. 2012. Web. 12 Aug. 2012.

The Quick Times: USS Porter plunks into Japanese tanker

USS Porter collides with tanker in Strait of Hormuz

US Navy reports no sailors injured

ap mideast US navy accident 2 jt 120812 wblog USS Porter Collides With Oil Tanker in Persian Gulf
The USS Porter,
US Navy, Jonathan Sunderman/ AP Photo
The USS Porter was sailing in the Strait of Hormuz to the Persian Gulf, Sunday. The tanker was sailing through the narrow strait which has narrow "lanes". These lanes are unmarked, but it is a guideline that ships usually fallow. According to ABC News, the lanes in that area is as small as around 2 miles each. Traveling through the area is similar to driving in USA, vessels stay to the right. Significant damage occurred to the US Navy vessel. The good news here, all the damage was above the water line, making so the vessel will not take on water because of this incident. The USS Porter is now headed to a port in the UAE. The incident is now being investigated.


Raddatz, Martha. "USS Porter Collides With Oil Tanker in Persian Gulf." ABC News. ABC News Network, n.d. Web. 12 Aug. 2012.

Sunderman, Johnathan. USS Porter. 2012. Photograph. ABC News. Walt Disney Company. Web. 12 Aug. 2012. <>.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Quick Times:USPS loses loads money

USPS loses 5.2 billion in last quarter

Lost 57 million per day

Patrick R. Donahoe
Post Master General,
Patrick Donahoe.
Courtesy: USPS
The United States Postal Service (USPS) has lost lots of money in the last quarter. The agency reported loss of 5.2 billon dollars in the last quarter. The USPS is getting closer and closer to bankruptcy. The USPS and Post Mater General, Patrick Donahoe said it is because of congress. The USPS has been asking congress to pass a bill that would, eliminate Saturday delivery; that would cut cost significantly. The bill currently waiting to passed would affect rural communities, if not changed. In April the senate passed a bill giving the debt driven agency 11 billion dollars. The USPS tried this earlier but with a large public out pouring, and protest, the agency decide to keep many open. To save cost they just changed operation hours. The real reason behind all of this debt is declining mail value. So far this year, the USPS has lost 11.6 billion.  Many people now use e-mail, it's instant, fast and effective. How much junk mail do you get? For many people its more than the amount of letters they get. Vote now on the homepage and estimate how much junk mail you get.


Patrick Donahue. N.d. Photograph. Patrick Donahue, Post Master Genral. USPS. Web. 11 Aug.

Yen, Hope. "Mail Service Edges Closer to Bankruptcy." The Boston Globe 10 Aug. 2012: n. pag. Print.

August 11, 2012

Good Morning, it's August 11, 2012


Today's Top Stories:

Mitt Romney chooses Paul Ryan as his running mate

America's record drought continues

An Air Force Colonels Career is Ended Amidst Sex Scandal

Today's Weather Headlines:

Tropical Depression Seven in Atlantic

Tropical Depression Gilma in Pacific


Have a great day!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Quick Times: NOAA raises hurricane season forecast

With six named storms, so far this year the 2012 hurricane season, hasn't been slow. Now the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has changed its outlook on this year's hurricane season.
Here are NOAA's prediction:
To be a named storm, a system must have winds of 39 mph or higher. In May NOAA predicted 9-15 named storms, now it has been upgraded to 12 to 17. A hurricane must have winds of 74mph or higher. 4-8 hurricanes were predicted in may, now it is up to 5 to 8. Major hurricanes must be a category 3,4, or 5, winds must be at least be 111mph. 1 to 3 major hurricanes were predicted in May now,  it is up to 2 to 3. However, NOAA predicts El Nino will come into effect in August to September. El Nino actually makes it more unlikely that a tropical system will develop. Even with El Nino predicted NOAA is still sticking to thier predictions.

The Quick Times will of course will keep you updated, visit the website often for the latest.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Daily: August 9, 2012

The Daily:

August 9th, 2012


Whitney Houston(Deceased)

·      Famous for: Singer, “I will alwayslove you”

Eric Bana (43)

·      Famous for: Bruce in “Hulk”- film

Amanda Bearse(53)

·      Famous for: Marcy – “married withchildren” (show)


Smartphones. Who cares? Smartphones. I only have dummyphones.
-Don Rickles


Walmart:"Let's buy 30 cash registers and only keep 2 open.”


1.     Plant a tree

2. Read this blog again


"August 9 Birthdays." August 9 Birthdays., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2012.<>.

"Funny Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 07Aug. 2012. <>.

From the thrown: August 9, 2012

The other day I was at the grocery store. It seemed like a normal summer day, seeing all of the signs advertising fresh produce, hamburgers, hot dogs, and lemonade, all of the summer classics. Then I saw a display. I thought it was a disgraceful display because it is so early. It was a Halloween display. It is August 9th. Halloween is October 31. Its 83 days away! I don't want the summer to end, I love sitting out in the warm weather poolside, all the cookouts and going to the beach. This display just made me sad because it made me have a reality check; all summer long I haven't had the thought of all of these summer activities going away. Till now. I never want to see that display or any display for Halloween till September it's the beginning of August. Earlier in June I was at a large retail chain's store and school supplies were on sale, kids weren't even out of school (I think.) Stores now put out displays earlier and earlier. Does it really help sales? I think it draws customers away, personally it drives me away. Does it drive you away? Vote now in the poll located on the homepage. Please leave a comment here or on Facebook or Twitter.

Right Now: Ernesto Establishes Emergency in Eastern Mexico

Here is the satelitte picture of Ernesto; a massive storm
(Source: Google Earth)

 Right Now: Ernesto batters Central America.

System Weakens as it heads over land.

Right Now, the brunt of Ernesto's fury is hitting Mexico. Massive amounts of rain are drenching dozens of cities and towns. People can expect 4 to 8 inches of rain.Tropical Storm winds are currently in the Yucatan Peninsula, maximum winds are steady at 50 mph. Storm Surge of 2 to 4 feet above normal levels, and large waves may batter the coast.  Ernesto continues to weaken as it comes over land.  Later tonight it is expected to reach water again, at the southern point of the Bay of Campeche. Once there the storm is expected to again batter Mexico. This time, the gulf coast of Mexico is preparing to get Ernesto's effects.

Stay with the Toilet Paper Times, as we will keep you updated on Ernesto's effects.

En la madrugada, 'Ernesto' golpeĆ³ con vientos de 112 kilĆ³metros por hora en las costas de Majahual, Quintana Roo, ubicadas en el centro de la riviera maya
Here is the storm blowing strong winds in Riveria Maya.
(Source: CNN Mexico)

NOAA. "Public Advisory #29." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 08 Aug. 2012. Web. 8 Aug. 2012.
"'Ernesto' Pierde Fuerza Despuƃ©s De Llegar a La Penƃ­nsula De Yucatƃ¡n - Nacional - CNNMƃ©" 'Ernesto' Pierde Fuerza Despuƃ©s De Llegar a La Penƃ­nsula De Yucatƃ¡n. CNN, 08 Aug. 2012. Web. 08 Aug. 2012.
Google Earth: Copyright: google

The Daily: August 8, 2012

The Daily:

August 8th, 2012

Celebrity Birthdays:

Donny Most (58)

·       Famous for: “Happy Days” Star

Dave Evans (50)

·       Member of the band “U2”

Roger Federer (30)

·       Tennis Champ


A day without sunshine is like, you know, night”
-Steve Martin


I just burned 1200 calories; I forgot my pizza in the oven


1.      Enjoy the weather 

2. Read this blog again
Have a great day!

"August 8 Birthdays." August 8 Birthdays., n.d. Web. 07 Aug. 2012. <>.

"Funny Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 07 Aug. 2012. <>.

"JokideoƂ Ƃ Tweet!function(d,s,id){var Js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); (function() { Var Po = Document.createElement('script'); Po.type = 'text/javascript'; Po.async = True; Po.src = ''; Var S = Document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; S.parentNode.insertBefore(po, S); })();." Jokideo. N.p., 22 June 2012. Web. 07 Aug

August 8, 2012

Good Morning, Today is   August 8, 2012.

Today's Headlines:

Hurricane Ernesto makes land fall to Yucatan Peninsula.

Jared Lee Loughner is pleading guilty in the shooting in Tuscon, Arizona in January last year involving a Congress women.

James Bulger, famous Boston, Massachusetts mob boss will testify in his trial later this year. Bulger ran from the FBI for 16 years, he was caught in Santa Monica, California last year.

All the stocks gained yesterday, with the NASDAQ going over the 3000 mark

for the first time since May, 2012.


Weather Headlines:

Hurricane Ernesto, expected to hit gulf coast of Mexico later this week.

Hurricane Gilma is in the eastern pacific.

Drought continues in much of USA.

Have a great day.

CNN. Cable News Network, 07 Aug. 2012. Web. 07 Aug. 2012.
"National Hurricane Center." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 08 Aug. 2012. Web. 08 Aug. 2012.
Stock Market News, Business News, Financial, Earnings, World Market News and Information. N.p., 07 Aug. 2012. Web. 07 Aug. 2012. <>.

From the Thrown: August 8, 2012

From the thrown:

Micheal Phelps hugging his mother.
Source: LA Times
The Olympics are going on now in London. There are 2000 athletes competing. There are 552 representing the USA. Behind every athlete, there is a certain thing that helps these athletes get to the Olympics. Every athlete in every sport has one of these. It's not something you can buy, it's  something that most people don't know is there for them. Their parents. Some athletes couldn't have made it to the Olympics without their parents. You see them in the audience, and watching feverishly to seeing the child at one of the most important moments of their life. There's that famous photo of Michael Phelps walking through the press to hug his mother, in Beijing. This year in London there's a viral video of Aly Raisman's parents sitting in the stands, watching their daughter, and yelling in a combination of what I think is nerves and excitement. All these athletes say "Thank You" to their parents, because without them they wouldn't be where they are. Today I think, we should all take time and say "Thank You" to our parents. From CEO to Custodian, from blue collar to white collar, from 2 to 122 take sometime and say "thank you". Your parents gave you food, opportunities to bring you where you are. Even if your parents didn't help you, maybe it was a guardian, grand ma,  pal, or foster parent, just say "thank you". "Thank You", two words that go a long way.

N.d. Photograph. Los Angelos Times. Web. 7 Aug. 2012.
"Athletics." N.p., 07 Aug. 2012. Web. 07 Aug. 2012.
"Olympic Day 11: , : (London Time)." N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Aug. 2012. <>.<>.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Toilet Paper Times: Ernesto edges closer to Chetumal, Mexico

Hurricane Ernesto is no longer Tropical Ernesto. At around 17:00 PM EDT, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) reports that Hurricane Ernesto was 140 miles away from Chetumal, Mexico. The Hurricane had maximum winds of 80 mph. The system is moving WNW at 15 mph. It is expected to hit the Yucatan Peninsula tonight. There are many warnings out in Central America. Belize has a Tropical Storm Warning, which is a down-grade from the Hurricane Warning, while Honduras has no more warnings. Hurricane Warnings are issued in Mexico on the eastern part of the Yucatan Peninsula. A lot of rain is expected to come out of this system. Honduras can expect 3 to 5 inches, while in Mexico and Guatemala can expect 4 to 8 inches, amounts of 12 inches. The NHC warns that these severe rains can cause mudslides and flash floods.

[Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]

Here is the latest track of Ernesto, from the National Weather Service
Coastal Watches/Warnings and 5-Day Forecast Cone for Storm Center. 2012. Photograph. National Hrricane Center. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Web. 7 Aug. 2012. http://

NOAA. "Hurricane ERNESTO Public Advisory." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 07 Aug. 2012. Web. 7 Aug. 2012. <>.

August 7th, 2012

Good Morning!

Today is August 7, 2012.


In the news:

Engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., celebrate the landing of NASA's Curiosity rover on the Red Planet.
Courtesy: NASA

NASA lands Curiousity 

Curiosity captures Cardnial Images from the Surface

NASA employees are excited to see what Mars looks like after their rover "Curiosity" landed on planet Mars Monday. Curiosity will show us pictures of Mars' surface. Curiosity landed at around 1:30 AM EST. NASA released this photo on its website showing how ecstatic employees were!

Oak Creek, Wisconsin is right near lake Michigan, where the "A" is
Courtesy: Google Maps

Tragedy at Temple

Sikh Temple Gunman Identified

More details are coming out after the tragedy in Oak Creek, Wisconsin yesterday. Six people are now dead. Three people remain in the hospital and one of which is a police officer. All three are in critical condition, as of yesterday. President Obama ordered that all flags be flown at half-staff, Monday in memory of the victims of the sad attack.


It wasn't too bad of a day on Wall Street yesterday, with all three markets gaining...


Source: NYSE, updated AUG062012 15:38 PM EST
DOW JONES- 13117.51 /\ 21.34
NASDAQ - 2989.91 /\ 22.01
S&P- 1394.23 /\ 3.24


USA soccer team beats Canada by a hair

Goal scored in the last moments

The USA women's soccer team is headed for a gold metal after a nail-biting win over Canada in the Womens Soccer Semi-Finals. Alex Morgan scored the goal in the 123rd minute in over-time to make the win.

Have a great day!

NASA Photo:
NASA/JPL-Caltech. Cheers for Curiosity. N.d. Photograph. NASA. NASA. NASA, 06 Aug. 2012. Web. 6 Aug. 2012. <>.
Google Map :
Google. "Google Maps." Map. Google Maps. Google, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2012. <>.
NBC. "Olympic Day 10: , : (London Time)." NBC, 06 Aug. 2012. Web. 06 Aug. 2012. <>.
Webster, Guy, and Dwayne Brown. "NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration." NASA. NASA, 06 Aug. 2012. Web. 06 Aug. 2012. <>.
Staff, CNN Wire, Poppy Harlow, and Steve Almasy. "Wisconsin Temple Shooting Victims: Putting Others First -" CNN. Cable News Network, 06 Aug. 2012. Web. 06 Aug. 2012. <>.

Monday, August 6, 2012

From The Thrown: August 7th, 2012

From The Thrown:
Olympic diet: preposterously packed
So the Olympics are currently going on in London. Now the athletes or team or sponsors have to pay for hotel, transportation, and flight, and one more thing. I think this is a forgotten thing with a copious charge. Food! These athletes eat an astonishing amount. Michael Phelps, Olympic gold medalist, the Olympic legend listed on his website that eats 12,000 calories a day. Not only is the an unbelievable amount of food, but that must be a pretty high grocery bill. Also on Phelps's website, an article listed his dinner menu,
"Dinner includes another pound of pasta with sauce, a whole pizza of six or eight slices, and more energy drinks". Now Michael swims 12 miles a day, so I'm guessing he can eat whatever he wants, he could eat a whole restaurant's menu. Go Michael! Eat Eat Eat, Win, Win Win!  So we all know how much money and effort goes into the Olympics, but here's another, FOOD and it must not be cheap.
Michael Phelps Diet
One of Michael Phelps Meals.

Please weigh-in tell us what you thing.
Comment box below, Facebook, and Twitter

"Michael Phelps Diet." Michael Phelps Diet. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2012.
Michael Phelps Meal. N.d. Photograph. Michael Phelps. Web. 05 Aug. 2012. <>.

The Daily: August 7, 2012

The Daily:

August 7th, 2012

Celebrity Birthdays:

Bille Burke (deceased)

·       Famous for: Good Witch in Wizard Of Oz

Sidney Crosby (34)

·       Famous for: Pittsburg Penguins Player

Harold Perrineau (48)

·       Famous for: Starred in “LOST”


-Emily Dickinson


Here's how you know that you're really drunk: when you get into a taxi cab and you think the fare is the time.

-Dane Cook


1.    Go for a hike and enjoy nature

2.    Read this blog often


"August 7 Birthdays." August 7 Birthdays., n.d. Web. 06 Aug. 2012. <>.

Cook, Dane. "Funny Jokes, Funny Stuff, Stand Up Joke Search | Comedy Centrals" Funny Jokes, Funny Stuff, Stand Up Joke Search | Comedy Centrals Comedy Central, n.d. Web. 06 Aug. 2012. <>.

"Random Quotations." Random Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Aug. 2012. <>.

Toilet Paper Times: Western Caribbean Equipped to endure Ernesto

While Florence falls, Ernesto Enhances. With winds blowing at 65 mph, Tropical Storm Ernesto is not weakening; according to the National Hurricane Center (NHC), the storm is expected to become a Hurricane by tonight. The Western Caribbean is ready, countries are issuing warnings and watches; preparing to endure Ernesto's extreme conditions. Mexico; the southern part of the Yucatan Peninsula, has a Hurricane Warning. Ernesto is going to ease right into that area. Belize has a Hurricane Watch, as Ernesto could maneuver into that area. Nicaragua has a Tropical Storm watch., as Ernesto may clip part of that country. This looks like an strong storm, stay with The Toilet Paper Times for the latest.

[Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]
Here is the predicted track, and watches.
Courtesy: National Hurricane Center.


NOAA. "Tropical Storm ERNESTO Public Advisory." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 06 Aug. 2012. Web. 6 Aug. 2012.

NOAA. Coastal Watches/Warnings and 5-Day Forecast Cone for Storm Center. 2012. Photograph. National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 06 Aug. 2012. Web. 6 Aug. 2012. <>.

Florence Falls: Now Post Tropical Cyclone

Tropical Storm Florence, is now "Post-Tropical Cyclone Florence" the Nation Hurricane Center (NHC) said Monday on its website. Florence is far away from land. She is in the middle Atlantic headed toward the eastern Caribbean. Now active warnings or watches have been issued due to Florence. Maximum winds inside the storm are 35mph. Florence is moving east at 15mph.

[Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]
Here is the latest track for, Post-Tropical Cyclone Florence.
Courtesy: National Hurricane Center

NOAA. "Post-Tropical Cyclone FLORENCE Public Advisory." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 06 Aug. 2012. Web. 6 Aug. 2012. <Post-Tropical Cyclone FLORENCE Public Advisory>.

NOAA. Coastal Watches/Warnings and 5-Day Forecast Cone for Storm Center. 2012. Photograph. National Hurricane Center. NOAA,
6 Aug. 2012. Web. 06 Aug. 2012. <>.

The daily: August 6, 2012

The Daily:

Celebrity Birthdays:
Lucille Ball
Andy Warhole
David Robinson
Geri Estelle Halliwell


"Stay Classy San Diego"
-Ron Burgondy
Anchorman (2004)

Why do they call it the restroom? Is there anybody just resting in this room?
-Dane Cook

Say Thank You to a stranger that helped you.

August 6 Birthdays." August 6 Birthdays. Fomous Birthdays, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2012.
Cook, Dane. "Funny Jokes, Funny Stuff, Stand Up Joke Search | Comedy Centrals" Funny Jokes, Funny Stuff, Stand Up Joke Search | Comedy Centrals Comedy Central, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2012. <>.

From The Thrown: August 6, 2012

From the thrown is a column the our creator writes daily, or whenever he wants, he's the boss! From government to gum flavors, read his creative, crazy column.

Puerile Pentagon People Pursuing Porn.

We all pay taxes. We all pay them and think. "well at least I know I'm not throwing my money away! ...Hmm maybe this will help fill that pot hole on I-95 I always hit?" Well, ladies and gentleman it is not going to fill that pot hole, instead it is going to the employees at the pentagon, to not protect our country, instead to watch porn. In a recent memo released to employees Executive Director John James Jr. said that they have noticed unapproved sites accessed on those computers we, the tax payers all pay for. Let's stop and think for a second:
We pay those people's salary that I'm guessing is in the ten thousands maybe even hundred thousands.
We pay for that computer that cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
Who knows? Are we now paying for porn subscriptions?
I am glad that this was caught and will stop. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. Who knows maybe in that department where there investigating Internet crime… how do we know they aren't "investigating porn" (notice the quotation marks.)
Ridiculous. But we all know in a week or two, I'll be writing about another government employee wasting our money.

We do know there are people working hard to protect the USA, we than them.
Please comment if you would like to weigh in.

Capaccio, Tony. "Missile Defense Staff Warned to Stop Surfing Porn Sites." Bloomberg. Bloomberg News, 02 Aug. 2012. Web. 05 Aug. 2012. <>.

August 6, 2012

Good Morning: Today is August 5th, 2012

Todays Headlines:
wisconsin shooting now being investigated
NASA device lands on Mars

Todays Weather Headlines:
Tropical Storm Florence weakens
Tropical Storm Ernesto weakens
Extreme Heat, and Drought in much of country

Srtay with The TPTimes as stories will be added throught the day.
US News." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 04 Aug. 2012.

"National Hurricane Center." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 06 Aug. 2012. Web. 06 Aug. 2012. <>.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

BREAKING: shooting at Wisconsin Temple

Right Now, in Oak Creek, Wisconsin there is a large police presence at a religious temple. WISN-TV is reporting that the shooting occurred at 10:30 AM at Sikh Temple. Police are blocking off the area WISN is also reporting that "the gun man may be inside" the details are very limited. Injuries are reported. 

Here is the location of Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Courtesy: Google Maps

WISN-TV. "Breaking News." WISN. Hearst Television, 05 Aug. 2012. Web. 05 Aug. 2012.

"Google Maps." Google Maps. Google, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2012. <>.

Burn Ban continues as blaze batters state

This is the Image on Oklahoma Forestry Service's website
shows how high the fire danger is today.

The image you see above, still remains on The Oklahoma Forestry Service website today, after 12 different fires burn throughout that state which has been severely affected by the drought and dry conditions, combine that with the extreme heat and it is perfect fire conditions. The fire is spreading fast and it is very dangerous for the firefighters trying to stop the blaze. is now reporting that 5,200 acres have burned in the blaze. Governor May Fallin released a statement Friday on her website saying, "Moving forward we need the public to be vigilant. Lit cigarettes, flat tires, and cars parked on dry grass can quickly become dangerous. Everyone must do their part to help prevent fires and to keep families and businesses safe from harm." On the very small positive side, is also reporting that residents in Sluagterville and Luther could return to their homes and see how this massive blaze has effected them. The Nation Weather Service predicts a high of 95 degrees Fahrenheit today. 

"52,000 Acres Burn in Oklahoma Wildfires." UPI. United Press International, 05 Aug. 2012. Web. 05 Aug. 2012.

Governor Mary Fallin. "Press Release." Governor Mary Fallin. State of Oklahoma, 03 Aug. 2012. Web. 05 Aug. 2012. <>.

Govenor Burn Ban. N.d. Photograph. Oklahoma Forestry Services. Oklahoma Forestry Services, 04 Aug. 2012. Web. 04 Aug. 2012. <>.

Toilet Paper Times: Tracking the Tropics

There are two tropical storms in the Atlantic ocean, today. Here's the Latest:

Toprical Storm Ernesto:
A tropical Storm warning was issued Sunday for Jamaica, as Tropical Storm Ernesto eases its way towards that area. The island may experience tropical storm conditions within the next 12 to 24 hours.A tropical storm watch was issued for the Northern coast of Honduras and some parts of the Nicaragua coastline. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is now saying that it is possible for the watch area to experience Tropical Storm Conditions within the next 48 hours. Parts of Mexico such as the Yucatan Peninsula and Cayman Islands are watching closely and may issue watches/warnings soon. According to the Nation Hurricane Center, right now winds are sustained at 55 mph, gusting to 63 mph. The NHC goes on to say how conditions vary, depending on the location. 
[Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]
Here is the latest forecast cone, from the National Hurricane Center website
Tropical Storm Florence:

Right now, Tropical Storm Florence is over 750 miles from the Cape Verde Islands. Florence is not expected to strengthen the National Hurricane Center said on its website Sunday. Currently the maximum wind speed is 60 mph. Florence is traveling at 15 mph in a westerly direction, but may pick up speed later on. There are no active warnings or watches issued do to Tropical Storm Florence.
[Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]
Here is the latest forecast cone for tropical storm Florence, from the Nation Hurricane Center's website

Stay with the Toilet Paper Times, for the latest updates.

"Tropical Storm ERNESTO Forecast Advisory." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 5 Aug. 2012. Web. 5 Aug. 2012. <

Tropical Storm FLORENCE Public Advisory." National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 5 Aug. 2012. Web. 5 Aug. 2012. <

NOAA. Coastal Watches/Warnings and 5-Day Forecast Cone for Storm Center. 2012. Photograph. National Hurricane Center. NOAA, 05 Aug. 2012. Web. 05 Aug. 2012.

National Hurricane Center/ NOAA. "Tropical Storm Flourence Forecast Cone." 2012. JPG file.